Do you know something about The Arena Group's use of AI-generated content material? It sounds like The Arena Group's investigation quite substantially just involved asking AdVon no matter whether the content material was AI-generated, and taking them at their word when they stated it wasn't. Our sources familiar with the creation of the content mat… Read More

We’ve got to give the Ravens the proper quantity of flowers. The 49ers have been the darlings of the league for most of the season. A thorough pantsing of the mighty Niners indicates the Ravens deserve their time in the sun as the NFL’s greatest team. Becoming that it really is Thanksgiving week, how about some leftovers from the NFL … Read More

MragsTV and I will be codcasting every single Wednesday evening from twitch.television/barstoolsports. The platform, described as a “satirical sports and men’s life style blog” is, in reality, a cesspool of bigotry basking in the backlash against political correctness. As opposed to other competitors, our bet something to get $25… Read More